《冰河期》Ice Age
《迴陣漫步》Walking In A Circle
《隱山夜海》Calm Precipice
《在意識中蔓延》Spreading In Mind
《狂暴與靜寂》Silence and Violence
《我,2084》I, 2084
《午夜城邦》The Midnight Polis
《漂泊廣場之一》Adrift In Space No.1
《漂泊廣場之二》Adrift In Space No.2
《漂泊廣場之三》Adrift In Space No.3
《漂泊廣場之四》Adrift In Space No.4
《深》Deep Inside
《目光秘境》The Undiscovered Nation
《光陰邊境》Border Crossing Time
《黑暗中的黑衣哲人》The Philosopher In Darkness
《敏感》Sentimental Waves
《餘光視界》Paths of Sight
《空幻返生》Reconstruction From the Void
《無名室》Unnamed Architecture
《冰河期》Ice Age
《冰河期》Ice Age

72.5 × 91.0 cm / 76.5 × 95.0 × 4.0 cm (framed), 30F, 2016

《迴陣漫步》Walking In A Circle
《迴陣漫步》Walking In A Circle

72.5 × 91.0 cm / 76.5 × 95.0 × 4.0 cm (framed), 30F, 2016

《隱山夜海》Calm Precipice
《隱山夜海》Calm Precipice

72.5.0 × 91.0 cm / 76.5 × 95.0 × 4.0 cm (framed), 30F, 2016

《在意識中蔓延》Spreading In Mind
《在意識中蔓延》Spreading In Mind

72.5 × 91.0 cm / 76.5 × 95.0 × 4.0 cm (framed), 30F, 2016

《狂暴與靜寂》Silence and Violence
《狂暴與靜寂》Silence and Violence

72.5 × 91.0 cm / 76.5 × 95.0 × 4.0 cm (framed), 30F, 2016

《我,2084》I, 2084
《我,2084》I, 2084

72.5 × 91.0 cm / 76.5 × 95.0 × 4.0 cm (framed), 30F, 2016


72.5 × 91.0 cm / 76.5 × 95.0 × 4.0 cm (framed), 30F, 2016

《午夜城邦》The Midnight Polis
《午夜城邦》The Midnight Polis

72.5 × 91.0 cm / 76.5 × 95.0 × 4.0 cm (framed), 30F, 2016

《漂泊廣場之一》Adrift In Space No.1
《漂泊廣場之一》Adrift In Space No.1

45.5 × 53.0 cm / 49.5 × 57.0 × 4.0 cm (framed), 10F, 2016

《漂泊廣場之二》Adrift In Space No.2
《漂泊廣場之二》Adrift In Space No.2

45.5 × 53.0 cm / 49.5 × 57.0 × 4.0 cm (framed), 10F, 2016

《漂泊廣場之三》Adrift In Space No.3
《漂泊廣場之三》Adrift In Space No.3

45.5 × 53.0 cm / 49.5 × 57.0 × 4.0 cm (framed), 10F, 2016

《漂泊廣場之四》Adrift In Space No.4
《漂泊廣場之四》Adrift In Space No.4

45.5 × 53.0 cm / 49.5 × 57.0 × 4.0 cm (framed), 10F, 2016

《深》Deep Inside
《深》Deep Inside

30.0 × 30.0 cm / 34.0 × 34.0 × 4.0 cm (framed), 2016

《目光秘境》The Undiscovered Nation
《目光秘境》The Undiscovered Nation

72.5.0 × 91.0 cm / 76.5 × 95.0 × 4.0 cm (framed), 30F, 2016

《光陰邊境》Border Crossing Time
《光陰邊境》Border Crossing Time

72.5.0 × 91.0 cm / 76.5 × 95.0 × 4.0 cm (framed), 30F, 2016

《黑暗中的黑衣哲人》The Philosopher In Darkness
《黑暗中的黑衣哲人》The Philosopher In Darkness

130.0 × 162.0 cm / 134.0 × 166.0 × 4.0 cm (framed), 100F, 2016

《敏感》Sentimental Waves
《敏感》Sentimental Waves

72.5 × 91.0 cm / 76.5 × 95.0 × 4.0 cm (framed), 30F, 2016

《餘光視界》Paths of Sight
《餘光視界》Paths of Sight

130.0 × 162.0 cm / 134.0 × 166.0 × 4.0 cm (framed), 100F, 2016

《空幻返生》Reconstruction From the Void
《空幻返生》Reconstruction From the Void

72.5 × 91.0 cm / 76.5 × 95.0 × 4.0 cm (framed), 30F, 2016

《無名室》Unnamed Architecture
《無名室》Unnamed Architecture

72.5 × 91.0 cm / 76.5 × 95.0 × 4.0 cm (framed), 30F, 2016